Thursday, February 04, 2010

Corn Maze

These images are of the 6" quilt square I made for the collaborative project Quilt of Possibilities: Celebrating Ontario's Greenbelt. It is made of 12 ears (!) worth of corn silk and japanese kozo paper. Here is a bluurb about the square:

Corn Maze is a representation of an aerial view of a corn maze made out of the corn silk of Ontario-grown corn. Corn mazes, like berry picking, are attractions commonly linked to agritourism or “agritainment.” As a city-dweller, my experiences of the Greenbelt growing up were limited to such forms of contact with rural life. Similarly, as an adult my connection to rural Ontario is almost entirely limited to my consumption of locally grown produce.

Corn Maze pokes fun at my unabashedly urban relationship with Ontario’s countryside.

For more on the Greenbelt Quilt project sponsored by the Ontario Crafts Council, look here.

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